
Welcome to ZoMa Webshop!

The books that you find in the webshop have been written by Marjolein Berendsen, founder and owner of ZoMa Opleidingen. Her books support the ideology of ZoMa Opleidingen: holism as a life vision. Every person may be the best version of themselves, and this is realised within a holistic life in which all things are connected on the basis of light, love and unconditional love.

Thank you for visiting our webshop. Here, you can buy the workbook, handbook and package of the titel ‘Holistic living, realising effortless happiness’, as well as our online courses. We wish you lots of fun and inspiration.

Thank you for visiting our webshop. Here, you can buy the workbook, handbook and package of the titel ‘Holistic living, realising effortless happiness’, as well as our online courses. We wish you lots of fun and inspiration.

ZoMa Opleidingen is accredited by KTNO, affiliated with NRTO and registered with CRKBO.